© Ceuterick & Nido, 2022​
DIGISCREENS - Identities and democratic values on European digital screens: Distribution, reception, and representation (2022-2025).
Three-year international collaborative project funded by the CHANSE ERA-NET Co-fund programme.
DIGISCREENS focuses on how the streaming of films and TV series contributes to transform social and cultural dynamics in Europe, and conversely how film and TV distribution practices and representation adapt to the last decades’ demands for increased diversity and inclusivity on screen. More info here
The transitional spaces of virtual reality (2021 - present)
Empirical audience research project with collaborator Dr. Astrid Ensslin, using Randall Okita’s biographical The Book of Distance (2020). Through participants' observation and interviews, I examine audiences' perception of the spaces of experience in VR, and build on the idea of VR as creating "transitional spaces".
© Ceuterick, 2021
Affirmative Post-Cinema | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (2018-2021)
The project "Affirmative Post-Cinema: Narrative and Aesthetic Responses to Gender and Power" looks at affirmative narratives and aesthetics across post-cinematic arts (including gallery films, VR, AR, and locative videos) and their relations to gender, power and the status quo.
© Katrine Patry, 2019